Start or realign your journey on the cloud with a foundational architecture that is aligned with the AWS Well-Architected Framework. Establish architecture and design standards, practices and policies that align with the requirements and strategy of your organization. Achieve availability, scalability, security, and compliance as a standard part of your solutions and deployments from the outset.
- When you extend or move your business to the AWS cloud, security and compliance are critical and not optional.
- When you launch an application or build a solution on the AWS cloud, high availability, fault tolerance and automatic scalability should be assumed and not hoped for.
- When you build and configure on the AWS cloud, it should be defined as infrastructure as code [IAC] and deployed automatically not done manually on the console or from your desktop.
All of these are defined in and emerge from your establishing an AWS foundational architecture as your baseline.
It is easy to create AWS accounts and launch resources, but we are here to help your organisation establish an AWS foundational architecture so you do this right and get the benefit of cloud services from the beginning.
In the current world every business big or small is subject security, compliance, availability, and innovation requirements. Amazon Web Services give you the power to meet and far exceed these requirements, however there are shared responsibilities, and you need to start the journey by establishing good foundations.
TerraAlto a PFH Technology Group company, has 10 years’ experience working as an AWS Advance Consulting Partner, their experience allows us to make the onerous and time-consuming task of establishing an AWS foundational architecture simple, clear and fully integrated with your business.
We safeguard your company, enable your cloud strategy, and provide technology for growth.
If you would like to learn more about AWS foundational architectures, you can contact us on